XLS문서001. request for expert expenses.xlsx


Expert Expenses

Organization Name SUNY Korea, R&DB Foundation Sponsor Name

Project Name

Project Period


Expert Name
(Singature) Position

Instituteion (Dept.)

Passport No.


Bank Name
A/C No.

Date yyyy-mm-dd입력
= total 0:00 시간

hour(s) Place



Payment Honorarium Travel Expenses Total

Airfare Transportation Per diem Accomodations


<Personal information collection/utilization agreement>

▶ SUNY Korea R&D foundation is retaining your personal information (including personal identification number) for research management purposes.
▪ Essential information: name, affiliation, position, account number, personal identification number, nationality, phone number, E-mail.
▪ Purpose of the information retaining: research management related affairs including payment of the personnel expenses and incentive, tax affairs report, career certificate issuance.
▶ The collected personal information is maintained for five years in accordance with the provision of article 28 (preservation of the related documents) of the <SUNY Korea R&BF research funds management regulation>
▶ You can disagree the collection of the personal information. In this case, however, payment of the personnel expenses and incentive can be restricted.

○ Do you agree with the collection of your personal information and its utilization?


○ Do you agree with the collection of your personal identification number and its utilization?


< Provision of the personal information to a third party >

▶ SUNY Korea R&D foundation is treating the personal information in accordance with <purpose of the personal information collection/utilization>, and does not provide the personal information to a third party without the prior consent of the user. However, the information can be provided to a third party in case of the following.
▪ The user have agreed the provision of information to a third party beforehand.
▪ The provision is required by the legislation.
▪ Receiving an agreement is significantly difficult due to economical/technical reasons, during the fulfillment of a contract about the provision of services.
▪ The provision of information is required anonymously, during the purpose of statistics producing or academic research.

○ Do you agree with the provision of your personal information to a third party?


* Attachment: Personal history, pamphlet for foreigners, invitation letter, photo of confirmation of holding, copy of passport
which can be confirmed entry, E-ticket (when requesting airfare)

Inviting Host's

Name & Signature:

SUNY Korea R&DB Foundation